Since STPM is already over everyone seems to be busy handling their own business. I don't know whether they still having contact with each others but i dare to say even me myself also never contact them. Hmm .. You may say i don't care about them etc .. I admit that i miss them ALOT.
I miss their laughter,
I miss their argument about one particular small thing especially during MUET period,
I miss all the fun,
I miss Alexis who's my closest friend during my whole form 6,
I miss those naughty fella around me especially Sharon and Thara,
I miss KPA (it's kinda fun going around the neighborhood even you've been chased by a dog before),
I miss their noises,
I miss my teachers,
I miss going school,
I miss everyone !!
Sometimes we may complaint that we hate going school, dislike them etc ... But right after you're free from schooling you might feel regret about what you just said before .. especially while you're working. To be honest, working is kinda lifeless (my current job). Everyday we have to wake up early, prepare ourselves and then work. After work, go back sleep. And the next day continue the same routine again and again. It's freaking lifeless !! I don't have time to enjoy because my only off day is to complete my house chores. Ha !! Ha !! Quite miserable right.
However, our life is just like this. After graduate then we work !! Maybe few days of break won't make any harm ... Feel like lepaking now =)

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