As a matter of fact ....

It's been awhile i'd not been updating my blog (i know it looks DEAD) So i've took the initiative to figure out something to blog. For the past few days (or weeks) i've been slacking a lot lately. Seriously, i feel like im being lazy more often . Sigh .. What a failure ....

Anyway, we just sat for our monthly test two weeks ago. So what i can say is everything turn out to be normal after that after being a nerd for few days. Blueks .. However, not everything turns out to be normal. The H1N1 virus is getting more critical as each day passes by. Many innocent life is being 'sacrificed'. I feel sad for those who lost the one they love. It's so depressing *emo* .. So what the ministry of health had taken steps to prevent the spread of virus? No doubt what they're doing is right but the public isn't that cooperative enough to prevent the spread of virus. Nowadays, i've seen many people are getting sick. The most common one are cough and flu. This had made those clinics nearby to have a very good business due to this incident. During our recent muet class we've just discussed about H1N1 virus. So indirectly i managed to get more information about this virus (to those who wants to know about H1N1 virus just log on to As for prevention, i think we should take care of our hygiene. One of the main example is those food court. They just plan to earn more money and neglect about the cleanliness of the surrounding. So it's quite easily for the customer to get infected or having some food poisoning *touch wood* As a matter of fact, we do play an important role to prevent this virus from being spread out .. So, please be more considerate for others !!

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